We are an active Seventh-day Adventist Church, and we would love you to come and join our activities. We are sure that it will help you grow in your relationship with God and fellow Christians to the full stature in Christ, giving glory to His name.


On the CALENDAR page on this website, you will find all the near-future activities that our church organizes. We would be happy to see you join us during those events! You can be sure that it will be a blessing to you.


Our church regularly organizes activities throughout the week that help people draw nearer to Jesus. Each week, we have Bible study groups. We study Bible verses together related to a relevant life topic or encompassing an important biblical event, thus drawing conclusions that apply to our time, which can help us better understand life and reality. We also have prayer meetings each Wednesday evening, where we have a short Bible study related to prayer. Then we give thanks and praises to God, bowing our heads in prayer, telling God what is in our hearts, sharing our burdens with Him, and finding comfort in His presence.


The highlight of the week is the activities that take place on Sabbath. Each Sabbath morning, we meet together to unite our voices in singing praises to God through hymns, lift our souls in prayer, giving our hearts to worshipping God. Also, this worship service is where you, as a visitor, will enjoy hearing a sermon from a pastor or a lay preacher. The sermon consists of a deeper study of the word of God, where vital biblical truths are presented, which will bring light to the path you’re walking on your Christian journey. Before and after the sermon, we will sing hymns of praise and together lift our voices to praise the Lord.


Suppose you are interested in attending a worship service. In that case, you are welcome to show up any Sabbath morning in the church, and we will be more than happy to inform you about all the activities that will take place during that service. You are also welcome to send our pastor an email, and he will reach out to you.

Sabbath School

(every Saturday 9:30am-10:30)

Group Bible Study
In Sabbath School, we study the Bible together. We have one large group and small, more intimate groups and a place to share the experiences of our week with each other. How you participate is entirely up to you.

Children, Teens and Youth Sabbath School
We have Bible study classes adapted for all age groups. The Bible studies are accompanied by songs, crafts, quizzes, Bible games, and Bible stories.

Information (text and images) in the form of a description of what is happening on the Sabbath Worship Services. What do they look like? What can a new visitor expect? “Call to action” for making website visitors encouraged to visit the church services.

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The whole content on this website is for demonstration purposes only.

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