Open your heart so the river of God’s care may overflow in abundance through you, using you to His glory, for the benefit of your neighbor, for the advancement of the Truth, till all the Earth shines with His kind, generous character. ‘For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.’ ‘For God loveth a cheerful giver.’ Your donations will make an enormous difference in making our community a better place by providing for the needs of others and helping them see and get to know the eternal life the Lord has given them.

Donation for food

‘He hath dispersed abroad; he hath given to the poor: His righteousness remaineth forever.’ Many people hunger and cannot provide the essential everyday means to have an ordinary happy life. They need your help, and God gives you the opportunity to minister to them according to the gifts He has given you. Stretch your hand out, let your love shine through the good deeds of sharing the blessings God has given you. Your donation will bring a smile to their faces and joyfulness in their hearts, giving thanks to God.

  • From the donations we collect, we buy groceries and pack them in boxes, ready to be delivered.

If you want to make a donation for food, please select one of the predefined amounts or enter a custom amount of money:

custom amount (10-10000)

Donation for evangelistic materials

The world is in need which surpasses everyday needs. All people have a God-shaped void inside them, which the Bread of Life can only fill, satisfying the soul and bringing deliverance from sin. Eternal life and salvation are available to anyone, and it is not God’s will that any should perish. Therefore, your donations can provide significant help in sharing the Gospel through various materials that can bring Jesus to people’s homes, bringing them hope and saving them for eternity.

  • The donations we receive will be used to provide many free books to the members and visitors of the church.

If you want to make a donation for evangelistic materials, please select one of the predefined amounts or enter a custom amount of money:

custom amount (10-10000)

Donation for health projects

The health reform is the right hand of the Gospel. Many people experience everyday sickness, and because of their lack of knowledge, they suffer the consequences of their poor lifestyle choices. At the same time, so many people are battling various kinds of depression and face psychological issues due to bad experiences in life. Your donation for health projects will provide the means to organize health-expo events, health courses, courses to overcome depression and overcome different addictions. Also, people in need of medications they cannot afford will have their lives improved.

  • Our team of health workers performs basic health checks to discover certain conditions during health expos.

If you want to make a donation for health projects, please select one of the predefined amounts or enter a custom amount of money:

custom amount (10-10000)

Donations for digital evangelism

We live in an era where evangelism needs to fill the internet space, utilizing the advanced technology tools to share the present truth with every nation, kindred, and tongue. These tools can significantly boost proclaiming the Three-Angels Messages, bringing people closer to Christ and the obedience of faith. By doing this, God’s work can advance with more incredible speed, reaching millions of people at long distances, at any time, so people can have the information they need to get to know God at their fingertips. Your donations can have a massive impact on achieving all these goals.

  • The advantages of using popular social media apps should be utilized in sharing the Gospel message.

If you want to make a donation for digital evangelism, please select one of the predefined amounts or enter a custom amount of money:

custom amount (10-10000)
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