
Hello, brothers and sisters in Christ 🙂

I’m excited to share with you, what I believe to be an excellent opportunity for your local SDA Church.

At the following link, you can see all the details about Relevant SDA Church:


At the following link, you can see what your premium local SDA church website can look like:


Please share this information with your pastor and with other church members of your local SDA church.

Please feel free to write to me if you have any questions or need additional information.

You can contact me via WhatsApp, Signal or Viber (my number for these applications is: +38978943171 )

You can also contact me via iMessage or FaceTime (my account for these applications is: [email protected] )

May God bless you abundantly!
– Sasho Stojanovski

This is a DEMO website!

The whole content on this website is for demonstration purposes only.

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