Light Through Darkness (part 5)

Those who proclaimed this warning gave the right message at the right time. But as the early disciples declared, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand,“ based on the prophecy of Daniel 9, while they failed to perceive that the death of the Messiah was foretold in the same scripture, so Miller and his associates preached the message based on Daniel 8:14 and Revelation 14:7, and failed to see that there were still other messages brought to view in Revelation 14, which were also to be given before the advent of the Lord. As the disciples were mistaken in regard to the kingdom to be set up at the end of the seventy weeks, so Adventists were mistaken in regard to the event to take place at the expiration of the 2300 days. In both cases there was an acceptance of, or rather an adherence to, popular errors that blinded the mind to the truth. Both classes fulfilled the will of God in delivering the message which He desired to be given, and both, through their own misapprehension of their message, suffered disappointment.

Yet God accomplished His own beneficent purpose in permitting the warning of the judgment to be given just as it was. The great day was at hand, and in His providence the people were brought to the test of a definite time, in order to reveal to them what was in their hearts. The message was designed for the testing and purification of the church. They were to be led to see whether their affections were set upon this world or upon Christ and heaven. They professed to love the Saviour; now they were to prove their love. Were they ready to renounce their worldly hopes and ambitions, and welcome with joy the advent of their Lord? The message was designed to enable them to discern their true spiritual state; it was sent in mercy to arouse them to seek the Lord with repentance and humiliation.

The disappointment also, though the result of their own misapprehension of the message which they gave, was to be overruled for good. It would test the hearts of those who had professed to receive the warning. In the face of their disappointment would they rashly give up their experience and cast away their confidence in God’s word? or would they, in prayer and humility, seek to discern where they had failed to comprehend the significance of the prophecy? How many had moved from fear, or from impulse and excitement? How many were halfhearted and unbelieving? Multitudes professed to love the appearing of the Lord. When called to endure the scoffs and reproach of the world, and the test of delay and disappointment, would they renounce the faith? Because they did not immediately understand the dealings of God with them, would they cast aside truths sustained by the clearest testimony of His word?

This test would reveal the strength of those who with real faith had obeyed what they believed to be the teaching of the word and the Spirit of God. It would teach them, as only such an experience could, the danger of accepting the theories and interpretations of men, instead of making the Bible its own interpreter. To the children of faith the perplexity and sorrow resulting from their error would work the needed correction. They would be led to a closer study of the prophetic word. They would be taught to examine more carefully the foundation of their faith, and to reject everything, however widely accepted by the Christian world, that was not founded upon the Scriptures of truth.

With these believers, as with the first disciples, that which in the hour of trial seemed dark to their understanding would afterward be made plain. When they should see the “end of the Lord” they would know that, notwithstanding the trial resulting from their errors, His purposes of love toward them had been steadily fulfilling. They would learn by a blessed experience that He is “very pitiful, and of tender mercy;” that all His paths “are mercy and truth unto such as keep His covenant and His testimonies.”

The Controversy Ended (part 7)
The Controversy Ended (part 6)
The Controversy Ended (part 5)
The Controversy Ended (part 4)
The Controversy Ended (part 3)
The Controversy Ended (part 2)
The Controversy Ended (part 1)
Desolation of the Earth (part 4)
Desolation of the Earth (part 3)
Desolation of the Earth (part 2)
Desolation of the Earth (part 1)
God's People Delivered (part 7)
God's People Delivered (part 6)
God's People Delivered (part 5)
God's People Delivered (part 4)
God's People Delivered (part 3)
God's People Delivered (part 2)
God's People Delivered (part 1)
The Time of Trouble (part 9)
The Time of Trouble (part 8)
The Time of Trouble (part 7)
The Time of Trouble (part 6)
The Time of Trouble (part 5)
The Time of Trouble (part 4)
The Time of Trouble (part 3)
The Time of Trouble (part 2)
The Time of Trouble (part 1)
The Final Warning (part 4)
The Final Warning (part 3)
The Final Warning (part 2)
The Final Warning (part 1)
The Scriptures a Safeguard (part 4)
The Scriptures a Safeguard (part 3)
The Scriptures a Safeguard (part 2)
The Scriptures a Safeguard (part 1)
The Impending Conflict (part 4)
The Impending Conflict (part 3)
The Impending Conflict (part 2)
The Impending Conflict (part 1)
Liberty of Conscience Threatened (part 8)
Liberty of Conscience Threatened (part 7)
Liberty of Conscience Threatened (part 6)
Liberty of Conscience Threatened (part 5)
Liberty of Conscience Threatened (part 4)
Liberty of Conscience Threatened (part 3)
Liberty of Conscience Threatened (part 2)
Liberty of Conscience Threatened (part 1)
Can Our Dead Speak to Us? (part 5)
Can Our Dead Speak to Us? (part 4)
Can Our Dead Speak to Us? (part 3)
Can Our Dead Speak to Us? (part 2)
Can Our Dead Speak to Us? (part 1)
The First Great Deception (part 8)
The First Great Deception (part 7)
The First Great Deception (part 6)
The First Great Deception (part 5)
The First Great Deception (part 4)
The First Great Deception (part 3)
The First Great Deception (part 2)
The First Great Deception (part 1)
Snares of Satan (part 5)
Snares of Satan (part 4)
Snares of Satan (part 3)
Snares of Satan (part 2)
Snares of Satan (part 1)
Agency of Evil Spirits (part 3)
Agency of Evil Spirits (part 2)
Agency of Evil Spirits (part 1)
Enmity Between Man and Satan (part 3)
Enmity Between Man and Satan (part 2)
Enmity Between Man and Satan (part 1)
The Origin of Evil (part 5)
The Origin of Evil (part 4)
The Origin of Evil (part 3)
The Origin of Evil (part 2)
The Origin of Evil (part 1)
Facing Life's Record (part 5)
Facing Life's Record (part 4)
Facing Life's Record (part 3)
Facing Life's Record (part 2)
Facing Life's Record (part 1)
Modern Revivals (part 9)
Modern Revivals (part 8)
Modern Revivals (part 7)
Modern Revivals (part 6)
Modern Revivals (part 5)
Modern Revivals (part 4)
Modern Revivals (part 3)
Modern Revivals (part 2)
Modern Revivals (part 1)
A Work of Reform (part 4)
A Work of Reform (part 3)
A Work of Reform (part 2)
A Work of Reform (part 1)
God's Law Immutable (part 7)
God's Law Immutable (part 6)
God's Law Immutable (part 5)
God's Law Immutable (part 4)
God's Law Immutable (part 3)
God's Law Immutable (part 2)
God's Law Immutable (part 1)
In the Holy of Holies (part 4)
In the Holy of Holies (part 3)
In the Holy of Holies (part 2)
In the Holy of Holies (part 1)
What is the Sanctuary? (part 6)
What is the Sanctuary? (part 5)
What is the Sanctuary? (part 4)
What is the Sanctuary? (part 3)
What is the Sanctuary? (part 2)
What is the Sanctuary? (part 1)
Prophecies Fulfilled (part 7)
Prophecies Fulfilled (part 6)
Prophecies Fulfilled (part 5)
Prophecies Fulfilled (part 4)
Prophecies Fulfilled (part 3)
Prophecies Fulfilled (part 2)
Prophecies Fulfilled (part 1)
A Warning Rejected (part 6)
A Warning Rejected (part 5)
A Warning Rejected (part 4)
A Warning Rejected (part 3)
A Warning Rejected (part 2)
A Warning Rejected (part 1)
A Great Religious Awakening (part 8)
A Great Religious Awakening (part 7)
A Great Religious Awakening (part 6)
A Great Religious Awakening (part 5)
A Great Religious Awakening (part 4)
A Great Religious Awakening (part 3)
A Great Religious Awakening (part 2)
A Great Religious Awakening (part 1)
Light Through Darkness (part 5)
Light Through Darkness (part 4)
Light Through Darkness (part 3)
Light Through Darkness (part 2)
Light Through Darkness (part 1)
An American Reformer (part 10)
An American Reformer (part 9)
An American Reformer (part 8)
An American Reformer (part 7)
An American Reformer (part 6)
An American Reformer (part 5)
An American Reformer (part 4)
An American Reformer (part 3)
An American Reformer (part 2)
An American Reformer (part 1)
Heralds of the Morning (part 7)
Heralds of the Morning (part 6)
Heralds of the Morning (part 5)
Heralds of the Morning (part 4)
Heralds of the Morning (part 3)
Heralds of the Morning (part 2)
Heralds of the Morning (part 1)
The Pilgrim Fathers (part 4)
The Pilgrim Fathers (part 3)
The Pilgrim Fathers (part 2)
The Pilgrim Fathers (part 1)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 9)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 8)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 7)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 6)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 5)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 4)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 3)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 2)
The Bible and the French Revolution (part 1)
Later English Reformers (part 8)
Later English Reformers (part 7)
Later English Reformers (part 6)
Later English Reformers (part 5)
Later English Reformers (part 4)
Later English Reformers (part 3)
Later English Reformers (part 2)
Later English Reformers (part 1)
The Netherlands and Scandinavia (part 3)
The Netherlands and Scandinavia (part 2)
The Netherlands and Scandinavia (part 1)
The French Reformation (part 13)
The French Reformation (part 12)
The French Reformation (part 11)
The French Reformation (part 10)
The French Reformation (part 9)
The French Reformation (part 8)
The French Reformation (part 7)
The French Reformation (part 6)
The French Reformation (part 5)
The French Reformation (part 4)
The French Reformation (part 3)
The French Reformation (part 2)
The French Reformation (part 1)
Protest of the Princes (part 7)
Protest of the Princes (part 6)
Protest of the Princes (part 5)
Protest of the Princes (part 4)
Protest of the Princes (part 3)
Protest of the Princes (part 2)
Protest of the Princes (part 1)
Progress of Reform in Germany (part 6)
Progress of Reform in Germany (part 5)
Progress of Reform in Germany (part 4)
Progress of Reform in Germany (part 3)
Progress of Reform in Germany (part 2)
Progress of Reform in Germany (part 1)
The Swiss Reformer (part 5)
The Swiss Reformer (part 4)
The Swiss Reformer (part 3)
The Swiss Reformer (part 2)
The Swiss Reformer (part 1)
Luther Before the Diet (part 10)
Luther Before the Diet (part 9)
Luther Before the Diet (part 8)
Luther Before the Diet (part 7)
Luther Before the Diet (part 6)
Luther Before the Diet (part 5)
Luther Before the Diet (part 4)
Luther Before the Diet (part 3)
Luther Before the Diet (part 2)
Luther Before the Diet (part 1)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 10)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 9)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 8)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 7)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 6)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 5)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 4)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 3)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 2)
Luther's Separation From Rome (part 1)
Huss and Jerome (part 9)
Huss and Jerome (part 8)
Huss and Jerome (part 7)
Huss and Jerome (part 6)
Huss and Jerome (part 5)
Huss and Jerome (part 4)
Huss and Jerome (part 3)
Huss and Jerome (part 2)
Huss and Jerome (part 1)
John Wycliffe (part 7)
John Wycliffe (part 6)
John Wycliffe (part 5)
John Wycliffe (part 4)
John Wycliffe (part 3)
John Wycliffe (part 2)
John Wycliffe (part 1)
The Waldenses (part 7)
The Waldenses (part 6)
The Waldenses (part 5)
The Waldenses (part 4)
The Waldenses (part 3)
The Waldenses (part 2)
The Waldenses (part 1)
An Era of Spiritual Darkness (part 5)
An Era of Spiritual Darkness (part 4)
An Era of Spiritual Darkness (part 3)
An Era of Spiritual Darkness (part 2)
An Era of Spiritual Darkness (part 1)
Persecution in the First Centuries (part 4)
Persecution in the First Centuries (part 3)
Persecution in the First Centuries (part 2)
Persecution in the First Centuries (part 1)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 8)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 7)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 6)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 5)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 4)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 3)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 2)
The Destruction of Jerusalem (part 1)
Introduction (part 3)
Introduction (part 2)
Introduction (part 1)

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